

Soof is not a soft drink.

We started Soof because we wanted to make the tastiest soft drinks from 100% pure fruit, vegetables & herbs. Nothing else!

Our Story

Soof is not a soft drink.

Why we believe you can start a revolution in a glass? Because we've been doing it for years! We’re mixing up the status quo. We started Soof because we wanted to make the tastiest syrups and soft drinks from 100% pure fruit, vegetables & herbs. Nothing else!

It turned out pretty well, the ingredients can easily fit on the front of our packaging. Cut the crap - as we like to say. There’s enough of that in the world already.

High on our bucket list? Our most important mission: a transparent and future-proof food industry which means no unnecessary ingredients and fine print.

Our Values

  • Independent Company

    Independent Company

  • Family-run Business

    Family-run Business

  • Small Producer

Merchant products