Delivery information
All items are shipped directly to you from our merchants. On each product page, you'll see the name of the merchant selling and fulfilling the order for the product. When you are placing an order, you'll be notified during checkout of the estimated delivery dates and once the merchant has sent out the order, you'll receive an email notification.
Each order must be sent to one address, so if you require different items to go to different addresses, separate orders will need to be placed.
If you have questions about delivery dates or the whereabouts of your order, please check your order confirmation email from us to see which delivery date range was stated there, as lead times vary. There is also a button at the top of that email linking you straight through to a page where all the information we hold on your order is shown.
Delivery charges
We are pleased to say that 100s of the items on here are offered with free UK Standard delivery. This makes shopping with us nice and easy.
A delivery charge is usually required by a merchant if they're selling goods requiring special packaging, express delivery or which are heavy. This normally applies to frozen and chilled items, bottles or goods being delivered from outside the UK. Merchants will always keep the delivery cost as low as possible and remember that any charge they apply is PER ORDER from them, so will be the same regardless of quantity ordered from them (unless otherwise specified).
You can see delivery prices on each product page, just beneath the product price, and will also see this in checkout. You will see 'Free delivery' beneath the price on product pages where this applies.
Any questions? Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us via our 'Contact us' form here.