

Purearth are an established wellness brand that have launched the UK's first dairy-free water kefir, a range of delicious naturally fermented sparkling drinks containing billions of live cultures to help improve vitality and support gut health. They also specialise in raw superfood enhanced shots, vegan broths, and bespoke organic detox programmes.

Our Story

Founded by Tenna Anette and Angelina in 2012 with their goal and mantra being to improve their customer's health and vitality in the most organic, purest way possible. They constantly review, innovate and refine their product line up based on research ,season and market analysis to ensure its most premium, tasty and competitive around.

We specialise in gut loving beneficial drinks which are our hero drinks. All Purearth products are certified organic, in glass bottles and recyclable packaging.

Their dedication to creating innovative and truly healthy, high quality, functional drinks and broths is the reason they scour the planet for the purest superfoods and organic, tummy-loving produce - making you feel good, from the inside out! Experts in fermentation, they launched the UK’s first dairy-free water kefir and now offer a delicious range of powerful wellness shots and vegan broths.

Our Values

  • Independent Company

    Independent Company

  • All Organic Products

    All Organic Products

  • Small Producer

Merchant products