Crumbs Brewing

Crumbs Brewing

Crumbs make delicious beer using leftover artisan bread from Chalk Hills Bakery in Reigate.

Our Story

Crumbs Brewing was founded by Reigate husband and wife Morgan and Elaine Arnell in 2017 in collaboration with Chalk Hills Bakery, whose lovingly crafted artisan loaves would become the basis for lovingly crafted artisan beers. Each beer is made with a different type of loaf, that way the style of the beer reflects the character of the delicious bread that makes it. We fight food waste and make tasty, unique beers at the same time.

44% of all bread made in the UK never gets eaten. That's such a waste. At Crumbs Brewing we are doing our bit to address this growing problem by making our beers from bread that would otherwise not be sold.

We use leftover loaves from our local bakery to make beer. Each of our brews uses a different leftover loaf in its recipe. That way the style and flavours of the loaf are reflected in the taste of the beer. From our light, zesty sourdough pale ale to our dark mysterious rye ruby ale, the beers don't only do good but also taste great.

In the summer months our Sourdough Pale Ale is a real winner. Light and refreshing with that zesty taste of sourdough in the brew.

We're fighting food waste by making beers out of bread that would otherwise go to waste. But we don't just use any old loaves in our brews. We use leftover loaves from our local bakery, Chalk Hills, in Reigate. Their bread is delicious, handmade artisan bread so our beers have to do it justice. Each of our brews uses a different leftover loaf in its recipe.

Our beers are not just for beer nuts - they are all pretty easy driving and (obviously) delicious. That way we hope they appeal to anybody that's interested in local, artisan products who wants to do something good to fight the growing problem of food waste

We're never going to solve the challenge of food waste on our own but we feel proud that we're doing our bit to help the problem and at the same time making some truly unique beers that reflect the love and skill that the Chalk Hills bakers put into their product.

Our Values

  • Social Enterprise

  • Independent Company

    Independent Company

  • Contribution to Charity

    Contribution to Charity

  • Family-run Business

    Family-run Business

  • Small Producer

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