Balance Coffee

Balance Coffee

Balance Coffee is a small family run business providing naturally clean coffee free from mould, mycotoxins and pesticides.

Our Story

Balance Coffee was founded by two brothers, James & Rhys Bellis. Starting in Balance Coffee in March 2020 during the first lockdown. During lockdown we saw an opportunity with café closures and people without access to great coffee and so Balance Coffee was born. Our products are a range of specialty coffee, whole bean or pre-ground. Our Level up blend is our star product. We’re on a mission to create change using a few simple initiatives that ensure every cup of Balance Coffee positively contributes to people and our planet. For every coffee sold:We help plant trees every month to offset the harmful effects of CO2 on our planet. Balance Coffee planted over 200 trees in their first year of business which removed over 10 tonnes of carbon emissions from the atmosphere.Balance Coffee donate 1% of sales to Project Waterfall, a coffee charity which helps provide clean water for coffee growing communities. We help coffee farmers at origin to improve their livelihoods because we choose to source ethical coffee.Balance Coffee have featured in Hot Dinners and Luxury Lifestyle Mag, amongst others.

Our Values

  • Supports a Developing Country or Community

    Supports Dev Country

  • Independent Company

    Independent Company

  • All Organic Products

    All Organic Products

  • Support for Small Producers

    Support for Small Producers

  • Contribution to Charity

    Contribution to Charity

  • Family-run Business

    Family-run Business

  • Small Producer

Merchant products